Tochka Sborki (Assemblage Point) Art Residency

THE THIRD Tochka Sborki Residency was held in September 2022 near Moscow in the Chelyuskinskaya Graphics House of the Union of Artists of Russia.
This Residency was hosted by the director Liza Skvortsova with assistance from Ivan Bondarenko (director, scriptwriter, graduate of School-Studio SHAR), Maria Savenkova (artist, graduate of Gerasimov institute of Cinematography), Viktoria Malechkina (graduate of School-Studio SHAR) and Aleksandr Chirkov (composer, sound engineer, AnimaTseh).
As Liza Skvortsova said in an interview: “I called the Residency ‘Assemblage Point’ so that, while creating an animated film together, both young animators and mentors could try to put themselves together from the inside, and maybe rethink something in their lives.”
The work carried out during the Residency resulted in the creation of the film Assemblage Point (7 minutes), executed in a variety of techniques: graphics, etching, diatyping – pastel drawing, collage, combined with some virtuoso sound and light work. Two full-house premieres of the film were held in Moscow at the beginning of October.

Assemblage Point (the finished film)


Masterclass by Elizaveta Skvortsova on drama and animation, 05.09.2022, Graphics House, Moscow Region


Masterclass by Aleksandr Chirkov on sound, 12.09.2022, Graphics House, Moscow Region


Graphics House of the Union of Artists of Russia, September 2022


Cultural outing to Vladimir Mayakovsky Museum


Public Premiere on 01.10.2022, Knizhny Bunker Book Store, Moscow


Public Premiere on 07.10.2022, Institute of Business and Design, Moscow

