The Auteur Animation Friends Club (Klub Druzey Avtorskoy Animatsii, KDAA), the main focus area of the Auteur Animation As Art project for schoolchildren, is aimed at establishing creative clusters that unite animation Schools and Studios, leading and young animators, friends and fans of animation. Hundreds of meetings have been successfully held by the Club (KDAA) / Society of Friends of Auteur Animation (ODAA) in the cozy auditoriums of libraries, cinemas, museums, art schools, gathering thousands of grateful viewers who had a unique chance to see real animated films on a big screen. But the meetings of the Friends Clubs are not limited to watching and discussing films, there are also quizzes, flash mobs, and, of course, the beloved CHILDREN’S POSTMAN game giving each participant an opportunity to write a letter to the creators. The Academy receives hundreds of grateful letters in children’s handwriting. All letters have reached their addressees. Video responses from the creators to the kids (for whom this whole enterprise had been conceived in the first place) were recorded and sent to the Clubs.
Open creative workshop
19.11.22 Igor Melnikov – Open creative workshop. Saratov, Saratov Regional House of Artworkers
26.11.22 Natalya Rumyantseva – Open creative workshop. Saratov, Saratov Regional House of Artworkers
28.11.22 Natalya Berezovaya — Open creative workshop. Saratov, Saratov Regional House of Artworkers